Source code for pychi.light

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Aug 13 12:01:48 2021

@author: Thibault

This module contains the classes used to instantiate light. Different
standard pulse shapes are built-in, and a class is dedicated to accomodating
user-provided light with arbitrary spectral shape. Note that the electric
field is stored as an analytical envelope, thus is a complex quantity.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, h
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
eps_0 = 8.8541878128e-12

[docs] class Light(): """ Parent light class. Implement support for adding pulses, saving the results of a propagation and plotting these results. Not suitable for light instantiation. """ def __init__(self, waveguide, field_t_in): """ Light is here defined by a time axis coming from a waveguide object, and a temporal waveform. Parameters ---------- waveguide : Waveguide Waveguide object containing the material properties. field_t_in : array Array containing the complex temporal waveform of the initial analytical electric field. """ self.waveguide = waveguide self.field_t_in = field_t_in def __add__(self, light): """ Addition operator overload. Allow one to add pulses easily. Parameters ---------- light : Light object Light with field to be added. Returns ------- Light New Light object with field added. """ tot_field = self.field_t_in + light.field_t_in return Light(self.waveguide, tot_field) def _set_propagation(self, z_save, freq, spectrum, waveform): """ Store propagation results. Called from the solver module after finishing propagation. """ self.z_save = z_save self.freq = freq self.spectrum = spectrum self.waveform = waveform self.wl, self.spectrum_wl = self._compute_equidistant_wl_spectrum() def _compute_equidistant_wl_spectrum(self): """ Compute a properly normalized field representation in the wavelength domain with equidistantly spaced sampling points. Returns ------- array Field in the wavelength domain. """ wl = c/self.freq wl_ener = np.abs(self.freq*self.spectrum/np.sqrt(c))**2*wl wl_ener_interp = interp1d(wl, wl_ener, kind='linear') wl_eq = np.linspace(np.amin(wl), np.amax(wl), len(self.field_t_in)) ener_wl_eq = wl_ener_interp(wl_eq) return wl_eq, np.sqrt(ener_wl_eq/wl_eq) def _set_dB(self): """ Return a function to compute the dB representation of a field normalized to the input light spectrum. """ if self.spectrum is not None: return lambda field: 20*np.log10(np.abs(field) + 1e-20) - np.amax(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.spectrum[0]) + 1e-20)) else: pass
[docs] def add_shot_noise(self, seed=None): """ Add shot noise to the pulse, useful for coherence study. Parameters ---------- seed : int Seed for the random number generator for reproducibility. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) field_angle = np.angle(self.field_t_in) e_to_n_fac = eps_0*self.waveguide.n_eff_inter(c/self.pulse_wavelength) e_to_n_fac *= self.pulse_wavelength*self.waveguide.eff_area e_to_n_fac *= self.waveguide.delta_t/2/h photons_per_bin = e_to_n_fac*np.abs(self.field_t_in)**2 photons_per_bin = np.random.poisson(photons_per_bin) noisy_field = np.sqrt(photons_per_bin/e_to_n_fac).astype(np.complex128) noisy_field *= np.exp(1j*field_angle) self.field_t_in = noisy_field
[docs] def plot_propagation(self, savename=None): """ Plot propagation results. """ if self.spectrum is not None: self.dB = self._set_dB() ### Overall figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((3,2), (0, 0), rowspan=1) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3,2), (0, 1), rowspan=1) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3,2), (1, 0), rowspan=2, sharex=ax0) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3,2), (1, 1), rowspan=2, sharex=ax1) # Input and output spectrum ax0.plot(self.freq, self.dB(self.spectrum)[0], color='b') ax0.plot(self.freq, self.dB(self.spectrum)[-1], color='r') ax0.set_ylabel('Intensity [dB]') ax0.set_ylim(-100, 5) # Input and output pulse ax1.plot(self.waveguide.time, np.abs(self.waveform)[-1], color='r') ax1.plot(self.waveguide.time, np.abs(self.waveform)[0], color='b') # Spectrum color map extent = (np.amin(self.freq[self.freq>0]), np.max(self.freq), 0, self.waveguide.length) ax2.imshow(self.dB(self.spectrum[:, self.freq>0]), extent=extent, vmin=np.amax(self.dB(self.spectrum)) - 100.0, vmax=np.amax(self.dB(self.spectrum)), aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax2.set_ylabel('Propagation distance [m]') # Pulse color map extent = (np.min(self.waveguide.time), np.max(self.waveguide.time), 0, self.waveguide.length) plt_waveform = np.abs(self.waveform) ax3.imshow(plt_waveform, extent=extent, vmin=np.amin(plt_waveform[-1]), vmax=np.amax(plt_waveform), aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax3.set_xlabel('Time [s]') plt.suptitle('Propagation results') fig.tight_layout() if savename is not None: plt.savefig(savename) ### Spectrogram plt.figure(22222) specgram, _, _, _ = plt.specgram(self.waveform[-1], Fs=np.amax(self.freq)-np.amin(self.freq), Fc=(np.amax(self.freq)+np.amin(self.freq))/2, xextent=(np.amin(self.waveguide.time), np.amax(self.waveguide.time)), mode='magnitude', scale='dB', sides='twosided') plt.close(22222) plt.figure() ax0 = plt.subplot(221) plt.specgram(self.waveform[-1], Fs=np.amax(self.freq)-np.amin(self.freq), Fc=(np.amax(self.freq)+np.amin(self.freq))/2, xextent=(np.amin(self.waveguide.time), np.amax(self.waveguide.time)), mode='magnitude', scale='dB', vmax=20*np.log10(np.amax(specgram)), vmin=20*np.log10(np.amax(specgram))-100, sides='twosided') plt.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') plt.subplot(222, sharey=ax0) plt.plot(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.spectrum[-1])) - np.amax(20*np.log10(np.abs(self.spectrum[-1]))), self.freq) plt.xlabel('Intensity [dB]') plt.xlim(5, -100) plt.ylim((np.amin(self.freq), np.amax(self.freq))) plt.subplot(223, sharex=ax0) plt.plot(self.waveguide.time, np.abs(self.waveform[-1])**2) plt.xlabel('Time [s]') plt.ylabel('Intensity [a.u.]') plt.xlim((np.amin(self.waveguide.time), np.amax(self.waveguide.time))) plt.tight_layout() if savename is not None: plt.savefig('spec_' + savename) else: pass
[docs] def set_result_as_start(self): """ Set output field from propagation as initial field for a new propagation. Returns ------- Light New Light object with final propagation result as input field. """ if self.spectrum is not None: field_t_in = self.waveform[-1] return Light(self.waveguide, field_t_in) else: pass
[docs] class Sech(Light): """ Class for a sech pulse. """ def __init__(self, waveguide, pulse_duration, pulse_energy, pulse_wavelength, delay=0): """ Construct a sech pulse. Parameters ---------- waveguide : Waveguide Waveguide object containing the material properties. pulse_duration : float Pulse FWHM duration. pulse_energy : float Energy per pulse. pulse_wavelength : float Central wavelength of the pulse. delay: float, defaults to 0. Time offset of the pulse. """ self.pulse_duration = pulse_duration self.pulse_energy = pulse_energy self.pulse_wavelength = pulse_wavelength self.waveguide = waveguide self.delay = delay self.field_t_in = self._compute_field() def _compute_field(self): """ Instantiate electric field as a sech pulse. Returns ------- array Analytical envelope of the electric field. """ pulse_peak_power = 0.8813736*self.pulse_energy/self.pulse_duration field_t_in = np.sqrt(pulse_peak_power)/np.cosh(1.7627472*(self.waveguide.time - self.delay)/self.pulse_duration)\ *np.exp(1j*(2*np.pi*c/self.pulse_wavelength - self.waveguide.center_omega)*(self.waveguide.time - self.delay)) field_t_in /= np.sqrt(self.waveguide.n_eff_inter(c/self.pulse_wavelength)*eps_0*c*self.waveguide.eff_area/2) return field_t_in
[docs] class Gaussian(Light): """ Class for a Gaussian pulse. """ def __init__(self, waveguide, pulse_duration, pulse_energy, pulse_wavelength, delay=0): """ Construct a Gaussian pulse. Parameters ---------- waveguide : Waveguide Waveguide object containing the material properties. pulse_duration : float Pulse FWHM duration. pulse_energy : float Energy per pulse. pulse_wavelength : float Central wavelength of the pulse. delay: float, defaults to 0. Time offset of the pulse. """ self.pulse_duration = pulse_duration self.pulse_energy = pulse_energy self.pulse_wavelength = pulse_wavelength self.waveguide = waveguide self.delay = delay self.field_t_in = self._compute_field() def _compute_field(self): """ Instantiate electric field as a gaussian pulse. Returns ------- array Analytical envelope of the electric field. """ amplitude = 2*self.pulse_energy*np.sqrt(8*np.log(2)/np.pi) amplitude /= self.waveguide.n_eff_inter(c/self.pulse_wavelength) amplitude /= eps_0*c*self.pulse_duration*self.waveguide.eff_area field_t_in = np.sqrt(amplitude)*np.exp(-4*np.log(2)*(self.waveguide.time - self.delay)**2/self.pulse_duration**2)\ *np.exp(1j*(2*np.pi*c/self.pulse_wavelength - self.waveguide.center_omega)*(self.waveguide.time - self.delay)) return field_t_in
[docs] class Cw(Light): """ Class for CW light. """ def __init__(self, waveguide, average_power, wavelength): """ Construct CW light. Parameters ---------- waveguide : Waveguide Waveguide object containing the material properties. pulse_average_power : float Average power of the CW light. pulse_wavelength : float Central wavelength of the light. """ self.pulse_average_power = average_power self.pulse_wavelength = wavelength self.waveguide = waveguide self.field_t_in = self._compute_field() def _compute_field(self): """ Instantiate electric field as a continuous wave. Returns ------- array Analytical envelope of the electric field. """ field_t_in = np.exp(1j*(2*np.pi*c/self.pulse_wavelength - self.waveguide.center_omega)*self.waveguide.time) field_t_in *= np.sqrt(2*self.pulse_average_power/self.waveguide.n_eff_inter(c/self.pulse_wavelength)/eps_0/c/self.waveguide.eff_area) return field_t_in
[docs] class Arbitrary(Light): """ Class for arbitrary light waveform, specified in frequency domain. """ def __init__(self, waveguide, pulse_frequency_axis, pulse_electric_field, pulse_energy): """ Construct an arbitrary waveform from its frequency domain field. Parameters ---------- waveguide : Waveguide Waveguide object containing the material properties. pulse_frequency_axis : array Frequency axis associated to the field. pulse_electric_field : array Analytical envelope representation of electric field in the frequency domain. pulse_energy : float Energy per pulse, used to normalize the field amplitude. """ self.pulse_energy = pulse_energy self.data_freq = pulse_frequency_axis self.data_field = pulse_electric_field self.pulse_wavelength = self._compute_center_wavelength() self.waveguide = waveguide self.field_t_in = self._compute_field() def _compute_center_wavelength(self): """ Compute the carrier wavelength of the pulse. """ pw = np.sum(np.abs(self.data_field)*self.data_freq) pw /= np.sum(np.abs(self.data_field)) return c/pw def _compute_field(self): """ Instantiate input light as a user-specified waveform. Returns ------- array Analytical envelope of the electric field. """ field_interp = interp1d(self.data_freq, self.data_field, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) field_f_in = field_interp(self.waveguide.freq) field_t_in = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(field_f_in))) temp = np.sum(np.abs(field_t_in)**2)*self.waveguide.delta_t field_t_in *= np.sqrt(2*self.pulse_energy/(temp*self.waveguide.n_eff_inter(c/self.pulse_wavelength)*eps_0*c*self.waveguide.eff_area)) return field_t_in